The Rise of Social and Humanitarian Spirits of Former Terrorism Prisoners

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Jakarta, – When you hear the term terrorism, at least it appears in the minds of the public that it is scary. Terrorism is a threat to all people in Indonesia.

The negative stigma creates problems and obstacles for former terrorism convicts (terror convicts) to return to their family and society. For example, some of the former terror convicts around Solo Raya such as Heri S and Ustaz Agus Mahmudi.

Both of them must try to survive and get up with various efforts and labors. Not only to improve self-image, but also to try to be useful for family and society.

Amazingly, Heri and Agus tried to survive and fight for changes in their future through social and humanitarian activities in an organization called the And We Care Foundation. This foundation is engaged in the humanitarian sector and is officially based on Jl. Lurik No.10 Ngruki Cemani Grogol Sukoharjo.

Until now, both of them have always been pro-active in planning, socializing, implementing and implementing their programs to the ummah and communities throughout Indonesia to Muslim countries that need humanitarian assistance.

Even though there are only seven core members as the driving force supported by members and volunteers in each region in Solo Raya, Yogyakarta and Magetan, the organization and management of the And We Care Foundation have been quite effective so far.

The reason is, the humanitarian mission that has been carried out so far can be felt by the ummah and society, especially in areas affected by the disaster and Muslims in Islamic countries such as Syria, Palestine and Muslim minorities in Myanmar.

Heri also admits that he once had a big mistake that was very detrimental to people. Therefore, today Heri wants to do things that are beneficial and positive for many people in Indonesia and even around the world.

“In the past we did have mistakes, which at that time resulted in harm to others, our families and ourselves,” said Heri in his statement on Tuesday (23/2/2021).

“For that, so that ex-terror convicts do not feel discouraged and feel isolated in society and so we don’t repeat the same mistakes, we also invite them to join in activities that are positive, beneficial to the ummah, environment and society,” said Heri.

Meanwhile, Agus said, “We accommodate them in humanitarian and Islamic organizations so that they can be more controlled, more focused, and thank God, since its inception to the establishment of the And We Care Foundation, there have been no problems.”

“We are always open and open to anyone including the authorities, the community and other organizations / institutions and our presence has been welcomed by the community,” said Agus.

Not to forget, Heri and Agus would like to thank them for the support they have given forever. They also always open the door to the whole community to provide advice if something does not fit into the foundation’s program that violates government regulations.

“Thank you for the participation and communication so far to his family, to the foundation as well as to the takmir board of the Al Furqoon Dk mosque. Macanan Jemawan Jatinom, “said Agus.

“If there is a matter related to the foundation’s program that does not fit, which deviates or there are elements that will violate the rules of the government, which will cause problems or violate the law, so that what the foundation does is truly rahmatan lil alamin for the people and society. , “Said Agus.



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