Face-to-face Learning Must Prioritize Health and Safety

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Jakarta, Britishcourse.com – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Higher Education (Kemdikbudristek), emphasized that limited face-to-face learning still prioritizes the principles of child health and safety. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic situation makes it impossible for all parties to predict when the pandemic will end.

Director of High Schools (SMP) Kemdikbudristek, Mulyatsyah said, as a responsibility in managing the implementation of education, Kemdikbudristek must find the best solution based on studies to determine policies during the Covid-19 pandemic has not ended.

“The policies presented by the Minister of Education and Culture based on joint studies are not unanimous without considering all kinds of aspects. The first aspect is the aspect of safety, health, and security. That is the main reference,” Mulyatsyah said at a public discussion entitled “The Eligibility of Limited PTM in the 2021/2022 Academic Year” Monday (7/6/2021).

Mulyatsyah said, from the implementation of the 4 Ministerial Decree on Guidelines for the Implementation of Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period which has been implemented since March 2020, a study was carried out in December 2020 for adjustments. It is stated that face-to-face learning can be carried out under certain conditions, both in the green and yellow zones.

Meanwhile, the orange and red zones are still learning from home.

“From these stages of course we see developments where there are fluctuations from the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

Then, continued Mulyatsyah, in January – June 2021, from the results of a study conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture, it was found that there were several impacts of the implementation of distance learning on students.

First, there is an increase in the dropout rate because they have to help their parents at home.

“Because there are assumptions and assumptions that learning is only for our community at school, when in fact learning can be anywhere. This is a paradigm that really happens in society so that sometimes children have to study at home, they also have to help their parents’ economy,” he explained.

Second, there is a decrease in learning achievement or learning gaps. Mulyatsyah said this fact is a common problem because it is related to the future of the nation’s children.

“Of course we have to find a solution how to minimize this risk. Don’t let prolonged loss learning occur,” he said.

Third, there is violence against children, as well as the social and psychological impact of children during distance learning. Therefore, based on the results of the study, said Mulyatsyah, Kemdikbudristek wants to improve PTM with a limited PTM policy. The reason is, currently there are 30% of schools holding limited PTM.

He emphasized that the PTM in question would not be the same as during the normal era due to restrictions. In addition, there is also a checklist that must be checked to be validated by the Education Office as the person in charge of education management at the regional level.

“Once it was proposed by the principal, then this was really checked for the feasibility of the school to be opened,” he said.

In addition, the role of parents is needed, Mulyatsyah said, parents are very concerned because when children are still in doubt and cannot fully comply with health protocols, the role of parents at home is very important.

“This is our collaboration with not only the government but also the community,” he said.

Mulyatsyah said the limited PTM policy would be adjusted to all events that would occur, including the findings of cases.

“So the face-to-face learning option is to give children choices. In the past, it was only PJJ, now it provides options. This is what we hope for teachers to have the same understanding. This is our chance to fight together,” he said.

Source: BeritaSatu.com


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