Aioga Story – The legend of Goose

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo Everybody…
This time I will share an example of narrative text that the story is very interesting and full of moral value. I’m sure my friend has understood about this text because this text has been delivered to the students in Junior High School and repeated again in Senior High School.

But, if you want to learn more in detail about this kind of text, you can read this explanation below :

Narrative Text (Complete Explanation)
Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Ok, In this post I will give you a little explanation about Narrative Text.

I am sure you must be often to tell the story that you just hear, watch or even your own imaginative story to someone, good friends, relatives, parents, etc. Well, actually what we do when telling the story we experienced is an applicative example of the Narrative Text.

Ok, I will tell the definition of Narrative text. It is “An imaginative story to entertain the reader” For example, Cinderella, Snow White, Monkey and Crocodiles, Malin Kundang, The Legend of Tangkuban Prahu Montain, etc.

Then, Kinds of Narrative Text are Fable, Fairly Tales, Folktales, Legend, Mith. That’s a brief description of Narrative text from me.

But, In this time I will not give you a complete explanation about Narrative Text, Here I just want to share an example of Narrative text, because if we read many example of it, we will have a better understanding about it. We will also have some collection of story that we can tell to our students, friends, family, or our children.

Oh ya, dari tadi kok saya pake bahasa inggris ya… 🙂 Paham kan sobat penjelasan saya di atas…. Oke langsung saja berikut Contoh Narrative Text dengan judul “The legend of Goose” Beserta Terjemahannya.

Contoh Narrative Text – The legend of Goose

The legend of Goose
Aioga Story

Everybody agreed that Aioga was a very beautiful girl. In fact, the villagers told her that she was the most beautiful girl in their village. This made Aioga vain. She became proud of her beauty and each day looked at herself in the mirror. She liked her looks so much that daily she went to look at herself in the stream that ran past her house.

One day, her mother asked her to wash the dishes. Aioga spent so much time admiring her reflection in the dishes that her mother was annoyed. “Aioga, you’re becoming too vain and lazy. You do nothing but admire yourself each day. This has got to stop. Even our neighbours are complaining. They say that you’ve become proud and won’t even talk to their daughters. You make me so ashamed.”

Aioga sulked and refused to do any more work. She thought her mother was treating her badly. She became even lazier. Each day, she lay in bed until the sun was high in the sky. Her mother did not know what to do with her.

“Aioga, please go to the stream and fetch some water. I want to bake some cakes for tea,” said her mother.

“But I may fall into the water,” said Aioga.

Her mother sighed. She was slowly losing patience with her daughter. “Hold on to a bush and you won’t fall in.”

“But the bush may fall into the stream,” complained her daughter.

“But all the bushes by the stream have thorns and I may scratch my pretty hands,” said the girl.

Her mother grew steadily more impatient. “Aioga, put on your mittens. They’ll not only keep you warm but will also stop you from getting scatched.” Aioga then complained that her mit­tens were torn. Her mother then handed her a needle and thread.

“What if the needle breaks?” asked the girl. Aioga did not sew her mittens but instead spent the time looking at herself in the mirror.

Her mother was very angry with her, and when her hus­band returned from work, she spoke to him about their daugh­ter. He was angry too when he heard what his wife had told him, so he sent for Aioga. “Aioga, go this minute and get a re­ally thick needle from the workbasket and mend your mittens,” he said.

“But, Papa, what if the needle pricks my finger?”

“You can use a thimble made of strong skin,” he said.

“But if the thimble is pierced I’ll hurt my finger,” said the girl.

Aioga’s younger sister, who was good and sweet-natured, came into the room. Cheerfully, she offered to fetch the water. She ran to the stream, filled the bucket and then helped her mother bake some cakes. When Aioga saw the lovely golden cakes, her mouth began to water. They looked delicious.

”Mother, give me some cakes,” she said.

“They’re hot and you’ll burn your fingers,” said her mother. “I’ll put on my mittens.”

“But your mittens are torn. Besides, they’re damp as you did not dry them out yesterday after playing in the snow,” said her mother.

“I’ll dry them now before the fire,” said the girl.

“No, drying them out too quickly will make them stiff. And you won’t be able to hold the cakes,” said her mother.

Aioga was hungry and the cakes smelled so delicious. “I’ll soften them with some wax,” she said.

“But your hands will get dirty. Why should you work and spoil your looks? It would be better if I gave the cake to your sister who doesn’t mind using her hands,” said Aioga”s mother.

When she saw her mother give her sister the cake, Aioga ran out of the house to the stream. She was very angry as she thought that her mother was very unfair. She saw her sister enjoying the cake and turned to stare angrily at her. “Aioga, please don’t be angry. I’ll share my cake with you,” she said. Her sister was only trying to be kind but Aioga was proud. How could she, the village beauty, accept a half-eaten cake! She turned round and slapped her sister hard.

“Go away. I don’t want anything from you. Just leave me alone.” Aioga began to hit her sister again. Suddenly, she lost her balance and fell into the stream. The Goddess of the Stream who had seen Aioga treat her sister badly, changed her into a goose. All day long Aioga, the goose, swam around in the stream. “Gal Gal What a beauty I am,” she said, looking at her­self in the stream.

As time went by she forgot how to speak. All she remem­bered was her name, and whenever she saw anyone, she would say, “Ai-oga! Ai-oga!” so that all would remember the village beauty who turned into a goose.


Legenda Angsa
Kisah Aioga

Semua orang setuju bahwa Aioga adalah gadis yang sangat cantik. Bahkan, penduduk desa mengatakan kepadanya bahwa dia adalah gadis tercantik di desa mereka. Hal ini membuat Aioga menjadi sombong. Dia menjadi bangga dengan kecantikannya dan setiap hari melihat dirinya di cermin. Dia sangat menyukai penampilannya sehingga setiap hari dia pergi untuk melihat dirinya di sungai yang mengalir melewati rumahnya.

Suatu hari, ibunya memintanya untuk mencuci piring. Aioga menghabiskan begitu banyak waktu mengagumi bayangannya di piring-piring itu sehingga ibunya merasa kesal. “Aioga, kamu menjadi terlalu sombong dan malas. Kamu tidak melakukan apa pun selain mengagumi dirimu sendiri setiap hari. Ini harus dihentikan. Bahkan tetangga kita mengeluh. Mereka mengatakan bahwa kamu menjadi sombong dan bahkan tidak mau berbicara dengan putri mereka. Kamu membuatku sangat malu.”

Aioga merajuk dan menolak untuk melakukan pekerjaan apa pun lagi. Dia pikir ibunya memperlakukannya dengan buruk. Dia menjadi semakin malas. Setiap hari, dia berbaring di tempat tidur sampai matahari tinggi di langit. Ibunya tidak tahu harus berbuat apa dengannya.

“Aioga, pergilah ke sungai dan ambil air. Aku ingin membuat kue untuk teh,” kata ibunya.

“Tapi aku bisa jatuh ke air,” kata Aioga.

Ibunya mendesah. Ia perlahan mulai kehilangan kesabaran terhadap putrinya. “Berpeganganlah pada semak-semak dan kau tidak akan jatuh.”

“Tapi semak-semak itu bisa jatuh ke sungai,” keluh putrinya.

“Tapi semua semak di tepi sungai berduri dan aku bisa menggaruk tanganku yang cantik,” kata gadis itu.

Ibunya semakin tidak sabar. “Aioga, pakai sarung tanganmu. Sarung tangan itu tidak hanya membuatmu hangat tetapi juga mencegahmu dari lecet.” Aioga kemudian mengeluh bahwa sarung tangannya robek. Ibunya kemudian memberinya jarum dan benang.

“Bagaimana jika jarumnya patah?” tanya gadis itu. Aioga tidak menjahit sarung tangannya tetapi malah menghabiskan waktu dengan bercermin.

Ibunya sangat marah padanya, dan ketika suaminya pulang kerja, ia bercerita tentang putri mereka. Dia juga marah ketika mendengar apa yang dikatakan istrinya, jadi dia memanggil Aioga. “Aioga, pergilah sekarang dan ambil jarum yang sangat tebal dari keranjang kerja dan jahit sarung tanganmu,” katanya.

“Tapi, Papa, bagaimana jika jarum itu menusuk jariku?”

“Papa bisa menggunakan bidal yang terbuat dari kulit yang kuat,” katanya.

“Tapi jika bidal itu tertusuk, jariku akan terluka,” kata gadis itu.

Adik perempuan Aioga, yang baik dan manis, masuk ke kamar. Dengan riang, dia menawarkan diri untuk mengambil air. Dia berlari ke sungai, mengisi ember, lalu membantu ibunya membuat kue. Ketika Aioga melihat kue emas yang cantik itu, mulutnya mulai berair. Kue itu tampak lezat.

“Ibu, berikan aku beberapa kue,” katanya.

“Kue itu panas dan jarimu akan terbakar,” kata ibunya. “Aku akan memakai sarung tanganku.”

“Tapi sarung tanganmu robek. Lagipula, sepatunya basah karena kamu tidak mengeringkannya kemarin setelah bermain di salju,” kata ibunya.

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“Aku akan mengeringkannya sekarang sebelum membakarnya,” kata gadis itu.

“Tidak, mengeringkannya terlalu cepat akan membuatnya kaku. Dan kamu tidak akan bisa memegang kuenya,” kata ibunya.

Aioga lapar dan kue-kuenya berbau sangat lezat. “Aku akan melunakkannya dengan lilin,” katanya.

“Tapi tanganmu akan kotor. Mengapa kamu harus bekerja dan merusak penampilanmu? Akan lebih baik jika aku memberikan kue itu kepada adikmu yang tidak keberatan menggunakan tangannya,” kata ibu Aioga.

Ketika dia melihat ibunya memberikan kue itu kepada adiknya, Aioga berlari keluar rumah menuju sungai. Dia sangat marah karena dia pikir ibunya sangat tidak adil. Dia melihat adiknya menikmati kue itu dan berbalik untuk menatapnya dengan marah. “Aioga, tolong jangan marah. Aku akan berbagi kueku denganmu,” katanya. Adiknya hanya berusaha bersikap baik tetapi Aioga bangga. Bagaimana mungkin dia, si cantik desa, menerima kue yang setengah dimakan! Dia berbalik dan menampar adiknya dengan keras.

“Pergi. Aku tidak menginginkan apa pun darimu. Tinggalkan aku sendiri.” Aioga mulai memukul adiknya lagi. Tiba-tiba, ia kehilangan keseimbangan dan jatuh ke sungai. Dewi Sungai yang telah melihat Aioga memperlakukan adiknya dengan buruk, mengubahnya menjadi seekor angsa. Sepanjang hari Aioga, si angsa, berenang di sungai. “Gal Gal Betapa cantiknya aku,” katanya, sambil melihat dirinya sendiri di sungai.

Seiring berjalannya waktu, ia lupa bagaimana cara berbicara. Yang ia ingat hanyalah namanya, dan setiap kali ia melihat seseorang, ia akan berkata, “Ai-oga! Ai-oga!” sehingga semua orang akan mengingat si cantik desa yang berubah menjadi angsa.

Baca juga Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Demikian penjelasan dan contoh narrative text yang kami sajikan hari ini. Tetap semangat belajar bahasa inggrisnya, semoga mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat dan nilai bahasa inggrisnya memuaskan. Sekian dan terimakasih atas kunjungannya. See you next time..

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