The legend of Malin Kundang

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo Everybody…
This time I will share an example of narrative text that the story is very interesting and full of moral value. I’m sure my friend has understood about this text because this text has been delivered to the students in Junior High School and repeated again in Senior High School.

But, if you want to learn more in detail about this kind of text, you can read this explanation below :

Narrative Text (Complete Explanation)
Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Ok, In this post I will give you a little explanation about Narrative Text.

I am sure you must be often to tell the story that you just hear, watch or even your own imaginative story to someone, good friends, relatives, parents, etc. Well, actually what we do when telling the story we experienced is an applicative example of the Narrative Text.

Ok, I will tell the definition of Narrative text. It is “An imaginative story to entertain the reader” For example, Cinderella, Snow White, Monkey and Crocodiles, Malin Kundang, The Legend of Tangkuban Prahu Montain, etc.

Then, Kinds of Narrative Text are Fable, Fairly Tales, Folktales, Legend, Mith. That’s a brief description of Narrative text from me.

But, In this time I will not give you a complete explanation about Narrative Text, Here I just want to share an example of Narrative text, because if we read many example of it, we will have a better understanding about it. We will also have some collection of story that we can tell to our students, friends, family, or our children.

Oh ya, dari tadi kok saya pake bahasa inggris ya… 🙂 Paham kan sobat penjelasan saya di atas…. Oke langsung saja berikut Contoh Narrative Text dengan judul “The tiger, the monkey, and the mousedeer story” Beserta Terjemahannya.

Contoh Narrative Text – The legend of Malin Kundang

The legend of Malin Kundang (The rebellious son) II
The ship of the rock – Malin Kundang

A long time ago, there was a fisherman living at Batang Arau. He several children but only one son. He gave his son the best possible education. He wanted him to do well and become famous.

When the boy had finished school, his father found a job for him on a large ship sailing to foreign countries. He realized that he would not see him again for many years. But he knew that his son was clever and hard-working and he hoped that his son might have the chance to become a ship’s officer.

The years passed. The fisherman’s daughters married and left home. The fisherman became old and died. His widow lived by herself.

One day, the villagers came running to the old woman to tell her that her son had returned. “I don’t believe you,” she said

“Yes,” they said, “He’s the captain of a ship which has just sailed into the harbor from Singapore. Come and see for yourself.”

The old woman put on her best clothes. She cooked some food to give her son. She remembered the food he liked best when he was a small boy.

She hired a rowing boat to take her out to the ship which was anchored in the harbour.

She saw a tall handsome man standing on the deck of the ship. It was her son! Even after all these years, there was no doubt about it.
“Son,” she called out, “don’t you recognize me? I’m you mother,” Tears came to her eyes.

“Who are you?” he replied. “I don’t know you. Don’t let her come aboard,” he instructed his sailors.
Next day, the old woman came again but her son refused to see her. On the third day, he told his sailors to drive her away. “Why does this old woman come to my ship?” he asked. “I don’t mind giving her a few cents but I don’t like her saying that she’s my mother,”

“Very well, my son,” the old woman said. “God will surely punish you for being so wicked. How can you refuse to recognize your own mother?” she gazed at him for a long time but he said nothing.

Suddenly, a huge black cloud covered the sun. it became as dark as night. The wind roared with a terrible noise. The sea became very rough and the waves beat against the side of the ship. The ship rocked to and fro. The mast came tumbling down with a great “Cra-a-a-ash”. The ship was driven like a coconut shell across the harbor. Before anyone could do anything about it. It turned over and sank. Then it rained so heavily that it was impossible to see more than a few yards. When the storm stopped, the old woman looked for the ship again. But there was nothing except a large rock sticking out through the water. Her son and his ship were never seen again.


Legenda Malin Kundang (Si Anak Pemberontak) II
Kapal Batu – Malin Kundang

Dahulu kala, ada seorang nelayan yang tinggal di Batang Arau. Ia memiliki beberapa anak tetapi hanya seorang anak laki-laki. Ia memberikan pendidikan terbaik bagi putranya. Ia ingin putranya menjadi orang yang sukses dan terkenal.

Ketika anak laki-laki itu selesai sekolah, ayahnya mencarikan pekerjaan untuknya di sebuah kapal besar yang berlayar ke luar negeri. Ia menyadari bahwa ia tidak akan melihatnya lagi selama bertahun-tahun. Namun, ia tahu bahwa putranya pintar dan pekerja keras dan ia berharap putranya memiliki kesempatan untuk menjadi perwira kapal.

Tahun-tahun berlalu. Anak perempuan nelayan itu menikah dan meninggalkan rumah. Nelayan itu menjadi tua dan meninggal. Jandanya tinggal sendiri.

Suatu hari, penduduk desa berlari menemui wanita tua itu untuk memberi tahu bahwa putranya telah kembali. “Saya tidak percaya,” katanya.

“Ya,” kata mereka, “Dia adalah kapten kapal yang baru saja berlayar ke pelabuhan dari Singapura. Datanglah dan lihat sendiri.” Wanita tua itu mengenakan pakaian terbaiknya. Ia memasak makanan untuk diberikan kepada putranya. Dia teringat makanan kesukaannya saat dia masih kecil.

Dia menyewa perahu dayung untuk membawanya ke kapal yang berlabuh di pelabuhan.

Dia melihat seorang pria tampan tinggi berdiri di dek kapal. Itu adalah putranya! Bahkan setelah bertahun-tahun, tidak ada keraguan tentang itu.

“Nak,” panggilnya, “apakah kamu tidak mengenaliku? Aku ibumu,” Air mata mengalir di matanya.

“Siapa kamu?” jawabnya. “Aku tidak mengenalmu. Jangan biarkan dia naik ke kapal,” perintahnya kepada para pelautnya.

Keesokan harinya, wanita tua itu datang lagi tetapi putranya menolak untuk menemuinya. Pada hari ketiga, dia menyuruh para pelautnya untuk mengusirnya. “Mengapa wanita tua ini datang ke kapalku?” tanyanya. “Aku tidak keberatan memberinya beberapa sen tetapi aku tidak suka dia mengatakan bahwa dia adalah ibuku,”

“Baiklah, anakku,” kata wanita tua itu. “Tuhan pasti akan menghukummu karena begitu jahat. Bagaimana mungkin kamu menolak untuk mengakui ibumu sendiri?” Dia menatapnya lama, tetapi dia tidak berkata apa-apa.

Tiba-tiba, awan hitam besar menutupi matahari. Menjadi gelap seperti malam. Angin menderu dengan suara yang mengerikan. Laut menjadi sangat ganas dan ombak menghantam sisi kapal. Kapal bergoyang ke sana kemari. Tiang kapal jatuh dengan suara “Kra-a-a-ash” yang keras. Kapal itu terdorong seperti tempurung kelapa melintasi pelabuhan. Sebelum ada yang bisa berbuat apa-apa. Kapal itu terbalik dan tenggelam. Kemudian hujan turun sangat deras sehingga tidak mungkin untuk melihat lebih dari beberapa meter. Ketika badai berhenti, wanita tua itu mencari kapal itu lagi. Tetapi tidak ada apa-apa kecuali sebuah batu besar yang mencuat dari air. Putranya dan kapalnya tidak pernah terlihat lagi.

Baca juga Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Demikian penjelasan dan contoh narrative text yang kami sajikan hari ini. Tetap semangat belajar bahasa inggrisnya, semoga mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat dan nilai bahasa inggrisnya memuaskan. Sekian dan terimakasih atas kunjungannya. See you next time..

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