Islamic Story – Nabi Syu’aib

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallow sobat. Sudah pernah dengar kisahnya Nabi Syu’aib belom? Sebagai umat islam kita perlu mengetahui kisah para Nabi, utamanya 25 Nabi yang wajib kita ketahui.

Oke kali ini kita mempelajari kisah Nabi Syu’aib sekaligus belajar bahasa inggris. Oke check it out..

The Prophet Shu’ayb was a descendent of the Prophet Ibrahim. He was sent to Midian and the Dwellers of the wood to give them Allah’s message.

The Midianite people committed many sins. They gave short measures and weights, they robbed people and caused mischief but most seriously they tried to stop people from worshipping Allah.

Shu’ayb tried to make them change but they would not listen to him. They wanted to throw him out and all the people who had listened to his words.

Then Allah sent an earthquake and all the evil people were destroyed because they would not obey the word of Allah.

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