TNI-Polri Strengthen Micro PPKM in the Regions

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Jakarta, – TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said a joint team from the TNI and Polri had taken a number of control measures to overcome the transmission of Covid-19 cases in the Kudus and Bangkalan areas. The two regions are known to be experiencing a fairly large spike in cases after the Lebaran holiday period.

The joint team provided assistance to the Head of the Health Office from each district in the two regions to optimize the driving force for the implementation of micro-scale community activity restrictions (PPKM).

“This PPKM is the key for us to be able to reduce the number of positive cases. In PPKM we can carry out tracing of close contacts and after that we can find out whether they are positive or not. Including in PPKM we can also increase the community recovery rate and reduce the death rate,” said Hadi Tjahjanto when giving a statement at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Monday (7/6/2021).

In terms of this assistance, Hadi continued, members of the TNI and Polri were deployed to assist in the implementation of micro-scale PPKM in the two areas that were experiencing a spike in cases.

A number of assistances were also deployed for the implementation of PCR examinations, in hospitals, and strengthening the application of health protocols in the community.

“We provide assistance and reinforcement in order to continue to maintain health protocols by constantly reminding me to wear a mask. Even though I have been vaccinated, I still use a mask, including keeping my distance and washing my hands,” said Hadi Tjahjanto.

According to the TNI Commander, the use of masks is the lightest form of discipline that can be carried out by the community. Of course, this must be accompanied by the discipline to keep a distance and wash your hands for the best results.

On the same occasion, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo explained that the red zone in Kudus is located in 60 villages. In this area, TNI and Polri personnel will be deployed to assist in limiting the movement of people to minimize the spread of the corona virus.

“Currently, approximately four joint TNI-Polri companies have been deployed to guard the Kudus cluster and then prepare and encourage local governments to add reference self-isolation places so that the self-isolation clusters in our homes can be shifted because there are approximately 1,200. “said Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

Especially in the Bangkalan area, his party has increased the implementation of micro-scale PPKM in at least three sub-districts. Inspection and tracking activities continue to be improved to immediately provide maximum treatment for residents who are found to be positive from the results of the examination.



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