Throughout 2020, DKI Pemprov Provided Job Training for 3,500 People

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Jakarta, – Head of the Jakarta Provincial Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Agency, Andri Yansyah, said that his party continues to collaborate with various companies to conduct job training to improve the quality of human resources. This collaboration is part of the Large-Scale Social Collaboration (KSBB) program in the labor sector.

“The quality of human resources is important to continue to be improved. One of them is through increasing the competence of job seekers, by involving the business world and the industrial world and / or other agencies, so as to create links and matches so that job seekers are able to be competitive and entrepreneurial,” said Andri Yansyah in Jakarta, Friday (12/2/2021).

Throughout 2020, collaborative training was carried out involving 31 collaborators and succeeded in inviting 3,591 training participants. Training, both soft skills and hard skills, targets job seekers and workers who have been laid off / laid off. Based on data released by BPS DKI Jakarta Province, the number of unemployed people in the capital as of August 2020 was 572,780 people (10.95%).

“We hope that after the training, participants will get an increase in skills or skills. There are even some collaborators who provide work tools, we hope the participants can use it to become entrepreneurs. Apart from that, from the training participants will also get information on job vacancies,” he said. added Andri.

In 2021, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Office will continue to hold collaborative training programs with various companies in various fields. Such as in the fields of electrical engineering, IT, graphic design, culinary, fashion, make-up, MSMEs, transportation, and so on.

“In the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, training is carried out online, blended and offline while still observing strict health protocols,” he concluded.



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