Smoking should Be Banned In Public Area – Contoh Analytical Exposition

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Materi bahasa Inggris kita kali ini mengenai analytical exposition. Sobat sudah pernah denger kan?? Ini adalah materi text yang dipelajari di tingkat SMA kelas XI. Yang sudah kelas XI SMA pasti sudah paham betul, ya kan.. Oke, saya akan jelaskan secara singkat mengenai jenis text yang satu ini.

Analytical exposition adalah salah satu jenis teks yang berfungsi menginformasikan kepada pembaca tentang bahasan yang berkaitan dengan fenomena atau isu yang ada. Kita langsung aja yuk, sekarang ke pembahasan lengkapnya di bawah ini, Sobat SukaInggris!

Teks ini ditulis dengan tujuan guna meyakinkan pembaca bahwa topik yang dibahas merupakan topik yang penting dan mendapatkan perhatian.

Struktur Analytical Exposition

Secara umum teks ini pun memiliki struktur atau generic structure sebagai berikut.

  • Thesis: berisi mengenai pengenalan ide pokok.
  • Arguments: bagian yang berisi mengenai pendapat yang mendukung ide.
  • Reiteration: berisi tentang penulisan kembali ide pokok.

Ciri Kebahasaan

Sementara itu, secara kebahasaan teks ini memiliki beberapa ciri di antaranya.

  • Menggunakan simple present.
  • Menggunakan relational process.
  • Menggunakan causal conjunction.
  • Menggunakan internal conjunction.

Contoh analytical exposition ada di bawah ini:

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text – Smoking

Smoking should Be Banned In Public Area


Have you ever come home with the stench of smoke clinging to your clothes? Or inhaled a cloud of smoke as a group of smokers passed, causing you to cough and choke? Neither experience is pleasant, and this is why smoking should be banned in public areas.


Many countries today have laws that prohibit smoking in public places. It is because smoking affects not only the person who smoke but also non smokers as well.


Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death (after active smoking and alcohol), according to the Manitoba Medical Association. They also say that the smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, 50 of which are known to be cancer-related.


Secondhand smoke has been linked to heart and respiratory disease; lung, breast, cervical, and nasal sinus cancers; strokes and miscarriages.


In children, dangers include sudden infant death syndrome, fetal growth impairment, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and middle-ear disease.


Smoking is a dangerous habit that not only affects the smoker, but those around him or her. Banning the smoking in public will keep non-smokers safer. People who smoke subject themselves to deadly diseases by choice. Why should non-smokers be forced to be around it?

Baca juga Analytical Exposition Text : Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features

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