Setwan Staff and DIY DPRD Journalists Undergo Rapid Mass Tests

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


YOGYAKARTA, – A total of 96 Sekwan staff, journalists and outsourcing workers at the DIY DPRD, Friday (18/9) underwent a rapid test with non-reactive results. The rapid test starts from 08.00 to 10.00 WIB.

The DPRD Council Secretary (Setwan) collaborated with a medical team from the Hardjolukito Air Force Hospital, Yogyakarta. The mass rapid test was held in the lobby of the DIY DPRD building, Jalan Malioboro, Yogyakarta.

“In accordance with the decision of the board leadership, today we are holding rapid tests to the state civil apparatus (ASN), assistants (naban), outsourcing, and journalists,” said Setwan Haryanta.

According to Haryanta, the total number of staff working at the DPRD is around 90 people and journalists who are accustomed to coverage are up to 30 people. “So the numbers are quite a lot,” he said.

This rapid test was held following the presence of four positive council members for Covid-19, in connection with this, Deputy Chairman of the Council Tri Huda Yudiana then issued a letter regarding the follow-up on the prevention and control of Covid-19 in the DPRD on September 15, 2020.

The letter stated that the DPRD office will be closed starting Thursday (17/9) and will be active again on Monday (21/9). All meeting activities are required to be held online. Rapid tests are held as a form of raising awareness about health protocols and tracking efforts.

Apart from holding a rapid test, his party also asked for spraying of disinfectant throughout the room and it was done yesterday and is scheduled to be sprayed again on Saturday (19/9).

RSAU analysis staff Hardjolukito who led the rapid test, Wasis, said that up to the closure there were 76 DIY DPRD staff, out of 92 people taking the test, seven from the outsourcing staff and 13 journalists who tested it.

“Our overall test results are non-reactive. For those who have not done a rapid test, Monday we are asked to come back to hold another rapid test, ”he explained.

Chairman of Commission A, Eko Suwanto welcomed the decision to close operations and conduct rapid tests after the exposure of four council members. In his release, Eko stated that he had asked Setwan to compile a work procedure that was appropriate to prevent Covid-19.

“For example, holding online meetings, measuring the temperature for anyone who enters or participates in a limited face-to-face meeting, and so on,” he wrote.

Eko also asked the community to participate in the seven steps that are currently being carried out by the government, namely strengthening the health system, solving economic problems, community cooperation, community discipline and immediately providing vaccines.


YOGYAKARTA, – Sebanyak 96 staf karyawan Sekwan, wartawan dan tenaga outsourching di DPRD DIY, Jumat (18/9) menjalani rapid tes dengan hasil non reaktif. Rapid tes dimulai dari pukul 08.00 sampai pukul 10.00 WIB.

Sekretaris Dewan (Setwan) DPRD mengandeng tim kesehatan dari RS AU Hardjolukito, Yogyakarta. Rapid tes massal digelar di lobi gedung DPRD DIY, Jalan Malioboro, Yogyakarta.

“Sesuai dengan keputusan pimpinan dewan, hari ini kita mengelar rapid tes kepada aparatur sipil negara (ASN), tenaga bantu (naban), outsourching, dan wartawan,” kata Setwan Haryanta.

Menurut Haryanta, secara keseluruhan staf yang berkerja di DPRD jumlahnya ada sekitar 90-an orang dan rekan-rekan wartawan yang terbiasa liputan mencapai 30 orang. ”Jadi jumlahnya cukup banyak,” katanya.

Rapid tes ini digelar menyusul adanya empat anggota dewan positif Covid-19, berkaitan dengan itu, Wakil Ketua Dewan Tri Huda Yudiana kemudian menerbitkan surat tentang tindak lanjut pencegahan dan pengendalian Covid-19 di lungkungan DPRD tertanggal 15 September 2020.

Dalam surat disebutkan kantor DPRD ditutup mulai Kamis (17/9) dan aktif kembali pada Senin (21/9). Seluruh kegiatan rapat diwajibkan diselenggarakan secara online. Rapid tes digelar sebagai bentuk meningkatkan kesadaran menaatai protokol kesehatan dan upaya penelusuran.

Selain menggelar rapid tes, pihaknya juga minta dilakukan penyemprotan disinfektan ke seluruh ruang dan sudah dilakukan kemarin dan dijadwalkan penyemprotan akan dilaksanakan lagi pada Sabtu (19/9).

Tenaga analisis RSAU Hardjolukito yang memimpin rapid tes, Wasis, mengatakan hingga penutupan tercatat sebanyak 76 staf DPRD DIY dari 92 orang mengikuti tes, tujuh orang dari tenaga outsourching dan 13 wartawan yang tes.

“Hasil tes keseluruhan kami nyatakan non reaktif. Bagi yang belum melakukan rapid tes, Senin kami diminta datang kembali untuk mengadakan rapid tes lagi,” jelasnya.

Ketua komisi A, Eko Suwanto menyambut baik keputusan penutupan operasional serta penyelenggaran rapid tes pasca terpaparnya empat anggota dewan. Dalam rilisnya Eko menyatakan, dirinya telah meminta Setwan untuk menyusun kepada prosedur kerja yang sesuai pencegahan Covid-19.

“Misal, melaksanakan rapat daring, pengukuran suhu bagi setiap yang masuk atau ikuti rapat tatap muka secara terbatas, dan lain lain,” tulisnya.

Eko juga minta masayrakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam tujuh langkah yang dijalankan pemerintah sekarang, yaitu penguatan sistem kesehatan, penyelesaian masalah ekonomi, gotong royong masyarakat, disiplin masyarakat dan segera menyediakan vaksin.


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