RPH Kuripan Requests to Operate Immediately, Fears of Damage

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PEKALONGAN, – Pekalongan City DPRD Commission C asked the Pekalongan City Agriculture and Food Service (Dinperpa) to immediately operate the Slaughterhouse (RPH) built in Kuripan Kertoharjo to replace the old slaughterhouse in Panjang Wetan which was often flooded.

“If this building is not operated immediately, it will be damaged and stalled,” said the Chairman of Commission C DPRD of Pekalongan City, Makmur S Mustofa to the head of Dinperpa, Zainul Hakim when he held an inspection to the RPH, Thursday (17/9).

In his visit to the Department of Agriculture and Food (Dinperpa), the Commission C group was received by the Head of Dinperpa, Zainul Hakim accompanied by the Head of Animal Husbandry, Ilena Palupi and several staff. Mustofa asked Dinperpa’s difficulty in operating the RPH. We will seek a solution to this difficulty so that it can be operational even though it is still temporary. “If the slaughterhouse is not operated immediately, it will be damaged by age,” he said.

Head of Dinperpa, Zainul Hakim explained that the animal slaughterhouse still needs to be equipped with a waste disposal area, both liquid and solid as well as a water tower. However, at the DPRD’s insistence, his party will immediately construct a temporary solid IPAL in the neighborhood to dispose of solid waste, so that the RPH can be operated temporarily.

“The slaughter capacity in this new slaughterhouse can slaughter about 20 cows / buffalo a day. Thus, it will be able to reduce the number of slaughtered animals in the City area, which reaches an average of 45 each, “he said.

According to him, the RPH in Kuripan Kertoharjo already uses a semi-electric slaughter system so that cows do not need to be slaughtered, they just need to put them in a special tool so that the animals are lying down and just slaughtering them. To build IPALs and water towers, a budget of around Rp. 250 million is needed and the DPRD will make efforts by transferring the existing budget to Dinperpa.


PEKALONGAN, – Komisi C DPRD Kota Pekalongan meminta Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan (Dinperpa) Kota Pekalongan segera mengoperasikan Rumah Pemotongan Hewan (RPH) yang dibangun di Kuripan Kertoharjo untuk menggantikan RPH lama di Panjang Wetan yang sering kebanjiran.

‘’Kalau bangunan ini tidak segera dioperasikan, nanti akan rusak dan mangkrak,’’ tegasnya Ketua Komisi C DPRD Kota Pekalongan, Makmur S Mustofa kepada Kepala kepala Dinperpa, Zainul Hakim saat mengadakan sidak ke RPH, Kamis (17/9).

Dalam sidaknya ke Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan (Dinperpa), rombongan Komisi C itu diterima Kepala Dinperpa, Zainul Hakim dengan didampingi Kabid Peternakan, Ilena Palupi dan beberapa staf. Mustofa menanyakan kesulitan Dinperpa untuk mengoperasikan RPH tersebut. Kesulitan itu akan diupayakan solusinya sehingga bisa operasional meski masih sementara. ‘’Jika RPH itu tidak segera dioperasikan, maka akan rusak dimakan umur,’’ katanya.

Kepala Dinperpa, Zainul Hakim menjelaskan tempat penyembelihan hewan itu masih perlu dilengkapi tempat pembuangan limbah, baik cair maupun padat serta menara air. Namun, atas desakan DPRD itu, pihaknya akan segera membuat IPAL padat sementara di lingkungan itu untuk membuang limbah padat, sehingga RPH itu bisa dioperasikan sementara.

‘’Kapasistas penyembelihan di RPH baru ini dalam sehari bisa menyembelih sekitar 20 sapi/kerbau. Dengan demikian, akan bisa mengurangi jumlah penyembelihan hewan di wilayah Kota yang rata-rata setiap mencapai 45 ekor,’’ katanya.

Menurut dia, RPH di Kuripan Kertoharjo sudah menggunakan sistem penyembelihan semielektrik sehingga sapi tidak perlu dijagal, tinggal dimasukkan ke alat khusus sehingga hewan sudah berbaring dan tinggal menyembelih. Untuk membangun IPAL dan menara air diperlukan anggaran sekitar Rp 250 juta dan DPRD akan mengupayakan dengan pengalihan anggaran yang sudah ada untuk Dinperpa.


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