Netherlands Allows Delivery of 20,000 Tons of Russian Fertilizer to Malawi

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AMSTERDAM – Pemerintah Belanda pada Jumat (11/11/2022) mengatakan akan melepaskan pengiriman 20.000 ton pupuk Rusia yang tertahan di pelabuhan Rotterdam karena sanksi.

Langkah Belanda itu setelah ada permintaan dari PBB. “Pengiriman itu akan dikirim ke Malawi melalui Program Pangan Dunia (WFP),” ungkap pernyataan Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemlu) Belanda.

“Meskipun biji-bijian dan pupuk tidak termasuk dalam sanksi Uni Eropa, pupuk tersebut dibekukan karena individu yang terkena sanksi terlibat dengan perusahaan Rusia yang memilikinya,” papar pernyataan Kemlu Belanda.

Kementerian Luar Negeri Belanda menolak mengidentifikasi perusahaan Rusia atau orang yang terkena sanksi yang terlibat.

PBB pertama kali meminta pengiriman pupuk itu untuk dirilis pada akhir Oktober.

“Keputusan melepaskan pupuk itu dibuat dengan pemahaman bahwa PBB akan memastikan bahwa pupuk itu dikirim ke lokasi yang disepakati, Malawi, dan perusahaan Rusia dan individu yang terkena sanksi tidak akan mendapatkan apa-apa dari transaksi tersebut,” ungkap pernyataan Kemlu Belanda.

Pada 1 November, kantor berita TASS Rusia melaporkan produsen pupuk Rusia Uralchem-Uralkali siap menyumbangkan 240.000 ton pupuk yang terjebak di gudang Uni Eropa (UE) dengan alasan kemanusiaan, dengan pengiriman pertama ditujukan ke Malawi.


AMSTERDAM – The Dutch government on Friday (11/11/2022) said it would release a shipment of 20,000 tons of Russian fertilizers that had been stuck at the port of Rotterdam due to sanctions.

The Dutch move came after a request from the United Nations. “The shipment will be sent to Malawi through the World Food Program (WFP),” said a statement from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu).

“Although grains and fertilizers are not included in EU sanctions, they are frozen because the sanctioned individual is involved with the Russian company that owns them,” the statement said.

The Dutch foreign ministry declined to identify the Russian company or sanctioned persons involved.

The United Nations first requested a shipment of the fertilizer for release in late October.

“The decision to release the fertilizer was made with the understanding that the United Nations will ensure that the fertilizer is delivered to the agreed location, Malawi, and that Russian companies and sanctioned individuals will receive nothing from the transaction,” the statement said.

On November 1, Russia’s TASS news agency reported that Russian fertilizer producer Uralchem-Uralkali was ready to donate 240,000 tonnes of fertilizer stuck in European Union (EU) warehouses for humanitarian reasons, with the first shipment destined for Malawi.

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