Environment No Longer Maintained, Challenges of Adiwiyata School

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BLORA, – The school environment that is no longer maintained, is a challenge for Adiwiyata School. However, during this pandemic, students learn online and their involvement in maintaining the cleanliness and preservation of the school environment has actually decreased.

“The corona pandemic is a challenge for schools, especially regarding the Adiwiyata school program. How can we keep the plants on the school grounds well maintained, ”said Head of the Structuring and Capacity Building for Environment Rudi Sugiarto, Monday (14/9).

Students have been absent from school for almost six months following the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though the teaching and learning process is still ongoing, it is done online. Students no longer come to school. As a result, the school environment is no longer taken care of. One of them is ornamental plants in the school garden and in front of the classroom.

He argued, even though it was still during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Adiwiyata school program was still being implemented. The verification team for the Adiwiyata school pilot at the Blora Regency level has since last week attended schools. The cross-sectoral team verified the administration and physical condition of the school.

“This year, there are 20 schools that are nominated to become Adiyata schools at the Blora Regency level. We verify the schools one by one, “said Rudi.

The 20 schools are SDN Bogem, Japah District, MI Muhammadiyah Todanan, SDN Cokrowati Todanan, SDN 2 Jagong Kunduran, MTs Al Huda Kunduran and SMPN 2 Kunduran. In addition, SDN Jetakwanger Ngawen, SDN 2 Medium Wungu Banjarejo, SMPN 3 Jepon, SDN 1 Nglebur Jiken, SDN Jipang Cepu, SMPN 4 Cepu, SDN 1 Ledok Sambong, SDN 1 Galuk Kedungtuban, SDN 3 Mendenrejo, SDN Sarirejo Bogorejo, SDN 1 Kalisari , SMPN 4 Randublatung, SDN 1 Temuireng Jati and SDN 1 Doplang.

Of the 20 schools, only one school stated that it was not ready for verification, namely SMPN 3 Jepon. “Schools are very enthusiastic about participating in the Adiwiyata program even though it is still during the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Sri Jatmiko, Head of the Environmental Capacity Building Section.

Sri Jatmiko revealed that the Covid-19 epidemic did not discourage schools from preparing to take part in the Adiwiyata program. The administrative files required to participate in the national program have turned out to be well prepared.

Although the teaching and learning program is not carried out face-to-face in schools, the environmental sustainability in schools is well preserved. ” The school dispatched teachers to pickets to water the plants at school. Of course this is what makes us salute, “he said.

He explained that in order to be designated as Adiwiyata schools at district level, these schools had to meet a number of requirements. Starting from the administrative requirements to the physical conditions of the environment in the school.

The physical conditions of the school include cleanliness, waste management, plants around the school, school canteen, efficient use of electricity, water and stationery and biopores. The school administration includes a curriculum that includes efforts to protect and manage the environment.


BLORA, – Lingkungan sekolah yang tak lagi terurus, menjadi tantangan bagi Sekolah Adiwiyata. Akan tetapi masa pandemi ini justru menjadikan siswa belajar secara online dan keterlibatan siswa dalam menjaga kebersihan dan kelestarian lingkungan sekolah justru berkurang.

‘’Pandemi corona ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi pihak sekolah, terutama terkait program sekolah Adiwiyata. Bagaimana caranya agar tanaman di halaman sekolah tetap terpelihara dengan baik,’’ ujar Kepala Bidang Penataan dan Peningkatan KapasitasLingkungan Hidup Rudi Sugiarto, Senin (14/9).

Sudah hampir enam bulan para siswa tidak masuk sekolah seiring pandemi Covid-19. Meski proses belajar mengajar tetap berlangsung, namun dilakukan secara daring. Siswa tak lagi datang ke sekolah. Akibatnya, lingkungan sekolah tak lagi terurus. Salah satunya tanaman hias yang berada di taman sekolah dan di depan ruangan kelas.

Dia mengemukakan, meski masih dalam masa pandemi Covid-19, namun program sekolah Adiwiyata tetap dilaksanakan. Tim verifikasi rintisan sekolah Adiwiyata tingkat Kabupaten Blora sejak pekan lalu turun ke sekolah-sekolah. Tim yang terdiri dari lintas sektoral itu melakukan verifikasi administrasi dan kondisi fisik sekolah.

‘’Tahun ini ada 20 sekolah yang dicalonkan menjadi sekolah Adiyata tingkat Kabupaten Blora. Kami lakukan verifikasi satu persatu sekolah tersebut,’’ tandas Rudi.

Ke-20 sekolah itu adalah SDN Bogem Kecamatan Japah, MI Muhammadiyah Todanan, SDN Cokrowati Todanan, SDN 2 Jagong Kunduran, MTs Al Huda Kunduran serta SMPN 2 Kunduran. Selain itu, SDN Jetakwanger Ngawen, SDN 2 Sedangwungu Banjarejo, SMPN 3 Jepon, SDN 1 Nglebur Jiken, SDN Jipang Cepu, SMPN 4 Cepu, SDN 1 Ledok Sambong, SDN 1 Galuk Kedungtuban, SDN 3 Mendenrejo, SDN Sarirejo Bogorejo, SDN 1 Kalisari, SMPN 4 Randublatung, SDN 1 Temuireng Jati dan SDN 1 Doplang.

Dari 20 sekolah tersebut, hanya satu sekolah yang menyatakan tidak siap dilakukan verifikasi, yakni SMPN 3 Jepon. ‘’Sekolah-sekolah sangat antusias mengikuti program Adiwiyata meski saat ini masih masa pandemi Covid-19,’’ kata Kepala Seksi Peningkatan Kapasitas Lingkungan Hidup Sri Jatmiko.

Sri Jatmiko mengungkapkan, masa pendemi Covid-19 ternyata tidak menyurutkan pihak sekolah untuk menyiapkan diri mengikuti program Adiwiyata. Berkas administrasi yang disyaratkan untuk mengikuti program nasional itu ternyata dipersiapkan dengan baik.

Meski program belajar mengajar tidak dilakukan secara tatap muka di sekolah, namun kelestarian lingkungan hidup di sekolah tetap terjaga dengan baik. ‘’Pihak sekolah mengerahkan guru-guru untuk piket menyirami tanaman di sekolah. Tentu ini yang membuat kami salut,’’ ujarnya.

Dia menjelaskan, untuk bisa ditetapkan menjadi sekolah Adiwiyata tingkat kabupaten, sekolah-sekolah tersebut harus memenuhi sejumlah persyaratan. Mulai dari syarat administrasi hingga kondisi fisik lingkungan hidup di sekolah tersebut.

Kondisi fisik sekolah antara lain meliputi kebersihan, pengelolaan sampah, tumbuhan di sekitar sekolah, kantin sekolah, pemanfaatan listrik, air dan alat tulis secara efisien serta biopori. Adapun administrasi sekolah meliputi kurikulum yang memuat upaya perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup.


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