Demand Show is Allowed, Hundreds of Art Workers Demonstrate

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


JEPARA, – Hundreds of art workers who are members of the Jepara Art Workers Association (Aspaja) demonstrated in front of the Jepara Regent’s office, Monday (14/9).

They demanded that the Regent of Jepara immediately allow the art performance to return. These art workers carry out speeches with art supplies, such as sound systems.

About 50 units of this equipment were carried by trucks parked around the square, in front of the Regent’s office, to the front of the Kartini Museum.

The action coordinator who is also a Jepara dance artist, Tigor said that thousands of art workers in Jepara had stopped working and doing art for the six months since the covid-19 pandemic.

This is a difficult time for art workers to make ends meet. “What do we eat when performing arts are not allowed. We haven’t worked for six months, “he explained.

After a few minutes of speeches, representatives of the arts workers held an audience with the Assistant for Governance and People’s Welfare Mulyani, the Head of Satpol PP and Damkar Abdul Syukur, and the Head of Law, Nur Sinwan. From the results of the hearing it was agreed that performing arts would be allowed on a limited scale.

The Head of Protocol and Communication Division, Arif Darmawan, said that after conducting the hearing, the leaders had communicated.

The plan is that in one week, the Regent Regulation (Perbup) number 26 of 2020 concerning Restrictions on Community Activities (PKM) will be improved.

In the Perbup, art performances on a limited scale will be allowed on the condition that they must comply with the Covid-19 health protocol, namely maintaining distance, wearing masks, and preparing a place to wash hands.

The puppeteer artist, Purwanto, asked the district government not to give false hopes to art workers who are currently in a difficult condition to eat because they cannot work.


JEPARA, – Ratusan pekerja seni yang tergabung dalam Asosiasi Pekerja Seni Jepara (Aspaja) melakukan demonstrasi di depan kantor Bupati Jepara, Senin (14/9).

Mereka menuntut agar Bupati Jepara segera mengizinkan kembali pertunjukkan seni. Para pekerja seni ini melakukan orasi dengan membawa perlengkapan seni, seperti sound sistem.

Peralatan ini dibawa dengan truk yang berjumlah sekitar 50-an unit yang diparkir di sekitar alun-alun, depan kantor Bupati, hingga depan Museum Kartini.

Koordinator aksi yang juga seniman tari Jepara, Tigor menyampaikan jika ribuan pekerja seni di Jepara sudah berhenti bekerja dan berkesenian selama enam bulan sejak adanya pandemi covid-19.

Hal ini menjadi masa sulit bagi pekerja seni dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. ”Kami makan apa kalau pertunjukan seni tidak diperbolehkan. Kami tidak bekerja sudah enam bulan ini,” bebernya.

Setelah berorasi beberapa menit, perwakilan dari pekerja seni melakukan audiensi dengan Asisten Tata Pemerintahan dan Kesejahteraan Rakyat Mulyani, Kepala Satpol PP dan Damkar Abdul Syukur, serta Kabag Hukum Nur Sinwan. Dari hasil audiensi disepakati, pertunjukkan seni akan diizinkan dalam skala terbatas.

Kabag Protokol dan Komunikasi Pimpinan Arif Darmawan menyampaikan, setelah melakukan audiensi, antara pimpinan telah melakukan komunikasi.

Rencananya, dalam satu Minggu, akan dilakukan penyempurnaan Peraturan Bupati (Perbup) nomor 26 Tahun 2020 tentang Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PKM).

Dalam Perbup akan diperbolehkan pertunjukkan seni dalam skala terbatas dengan ketentuan harus memenuhi protokol kesehatan covid-19, yaitu menjaga jarak, memakai masker, dan menyiapkan tempat cuci tangan.

Seniman dalang, Purwanto meminta agar Pemkab tidak memberikan harapan palsu kepada para pekerja seni yang saat ini dalam kondisi sulit makan akibat tidak bisa bekerja.


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