Contoh Narrative Text “SALTY RIVER” Beserta Terjemahannya

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo Everybody…
This time I will share an example of narrative text that the story is very interesting and full of moral value. I’m sure my friend has understood about this text because this text has been delivered to the students in Junior High School and repeated again in Senior High School.

But, if you want to learn more in detail about this kind of text, you can read this explanation below :

Narrative Text (Complete Explanation)
Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Ok, In this post I will give you a little explanation about Narrative Text.

I am sure you must be often to tell the story that you just hear, watch or even your own imaginative story to someone, good friends, relatives, parents, etc. Well, actually what we do when telling the story we experienced is an applicative example of the Narrative Text.

Ok, I will tell the definition of Narrative text. It is “An imaginative story to entertain the reader” For example, Cinderella, Snow White, Monkey and Crocodiles, Malin Kundang, The Legend of Tangkuban Prahu Montain, etc.

Then, Kinds of Narrative Text are Fable, Fairly Tales, Folktales, Legend, Mith. That’s a brief description of Narrative text from me.

But, In this time I will not give you a complete explanation about Narrative Text, Here I just want to share an example of Narrative text, because if we read many example of it, we will have a better understanding about it. We will also have some collection of story that we can tell to our students, friends, family, or our children.

Oh ya, dari tadi kok saya pake bahasa inggris ya… 🙂 Paham kan sobat penjelasan saya di atas…. Oke langsung saja berikut Contoh Narrative Text dengan judul “SALTY RIVER” Beserta Terjemahannya.

Contoh Narrative Text : Sungai Asin


A long time ago in Sepang Village, Central Kalimantan, lived a widow named Emas. Her husband died when her daughter was a baby. Her daughter’s name was Tumbai. The villagers in Sepang Village were poor.

Though they were poor, the villagers always worked hard. Fortunately there was a well in the village. So they always had enough water to live.

Tumbai was a very good daughter. She was diligent and obedient. She always helped her mother and listened to her mother’s advice. She also liked to help other people. That was why everybody knew her.

Tumbai was not only famous for her kindness, but she was also famous for her beauty. She was very beautiful! Many young men fell in love with her. One by one, they proposed her to be their wife. However, Tumbai always refused the marriage proposal. She was confused. So she prayed to God to give her guidance.

Finally she got the answer. In her dream, an old man asked her to marry a man who could change the well from fresh water into salt water. When she woke up, Tumbai was very confused.

She thought it was difficult for a man to change the fresh water into salt water. Fresh water did not have any taste. It was different from sea water which is salty.

When Tumbai told her mother about her dream, her mother was also confused. However, she knew that her daughter was very good and wouldn’t lie to her. Her mother had a feeling, probably God was going to help them from poverty.

Her mother then made an announcement that Tumbai would marry a man who could change the fresh water in the well into salt water. Everybody was laughing. They thought Tumbai and her mother were crazy.

But it did not stop those young men to try. They really wanted to marry Tumbai. So they all tried to change the fresh water into salt water. But they all failed.

One day a man came. He lived in the river side of Barito River. He had supernatural power.

“Ma’am, I’m here to marry your daughter,” said the man to Emas, Tumbai’s mother.
“Do you know the test?” asked Emas.
“I do. I will change the fresh water into salt water,” said the man.

The man then sat down next to the well. He was meditating and prayed to God. All the villagers were circling the man. They all were curious.

After a while, the man finished meditating. He stood up and asked the villagers to taste the water from the well.

It worked! He succeeded in changing the water. Tumbai was happy. She finally found her dream husband.

And her mother was right. After the water was salty, the villagers were not poor anymore. They changed the salty water into salt. They sold it and they had money.

The salty water was flowing from the well to the Kahayan River. Until now people still taste the salty water in Kahayan River. They also think that the legend really happened. ***

Terjemahan Contoh Narrative Text


Dulu di Desa Sepang, Kalimantan Tengah, tinggal seorang janda bernama Emas. Suaminya meninggal saat putrinya masih bayi. Nama putrinya adalah Tumbai. Penduduk desa di Desa Sepang miskin.

Meski mereka miskin, penduduk desa selalu bekerja keras. Untung ada sumur di desa. Jadi mereka selalu punya cukup air untuk hidup.

Tumbai adalah putri yang sangat baik. Dia rajin dan taat. Dia selalu membantu ibunya dan mendengarkan saran ibunya. Dia juga suka membantu orang lain. Itulah sebabnya semua orang mengenalnya.

Tumbai tidak hanya terkenal karena kebaikan hatinya, tapi juga terkenal dengan kecantikannya. Dia sangat cantik! Banyak pemuda jatuh cinta padanya. Satu demi satu, mereka mengusulkannya untuk menjadi istri mereka. Namun, Tumbai selalu menolak lamaran perkawinan. Dia bingung. Sehingga dia berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk memberikan bimbingannya.

Akhirnya dia mendapat jawabannya. Dalam mimpinya, seorang pria tua memintanya untuk menikahi pria yang bisa mengubah sumur dari air tawar menjadi air asin. Saat terbangun, Tumbai sangat bingung.

Dia pikir sulit bagi seorang pria untuk mengubah air tawar menjadi air asin. Air tawar tidak memiliki rasa. Berbeda dengan air laut yang asin.

Saat Tumbai bercerita pada ibunya tentang mimpinya, ibunya juga bingung. Namun, dia tahu bahwa putrinya sangat baik dan tidak akan berbohong padanya. Ibunya memiliki perasaan, mungkin Tuhan akan membantu dari kemiskinan.

Ibunya kemudian membuat pengumuman bahwa Tumbai akan menikahi pria yang bisa mengubah air tawar di sumur menjadi air asin. Semua orang tertawa. Mereka mengira Tumbai dan ibunya gila.

Tapi hal itu tidak menghentikan usaha pemuda tersebut untuk mencoba. Mereka benar-benar ingin menikahi Tumbai. Jadi mereka semua mencoba mengubah air tawar menjadi air asin. Tapi mereka semua gagal.

Suatu hari seorang pria datang. Dia tinggal di tepi sungai Sungai Barito. Dia memiliki kekuatan supranatural.

“Ma’am, saya di sini untuk menikahi anak perempuan Anda,” kata pria itu kepada Emas, ibu Tumbai.
“Anda tahu tesnya?” Tanya Emas.
“Saya tahu. Saya akan mengubah air tawar menjadi air asin, “kata pria itu.

Pria itu kemudian duduk di samping sumur. Dia sedang bermeditasi dan berdoa kepada Tuhan. Semua penduduk desa mengitari pria itu. Mereka semua penasaran.

Setelah beberapa saat, pria itu selesai bermeditasi. Dia berdiri dan meminta penduduk desa mencicipi air dari sumur.

Ini berhasil! Dia berhasil mengubah air. Tumbai senang. Dia akhirnya menemukan suami idamannya.
Dan ibunya benar. Setelah airnya asin, penduduk desa tidak lagi miskin. Mereka mengubah air asin menjadi garam. Mereka menjualnya dan mereka punya uang.

Air asin mengalir dari sumur menuju Sungai Kahayan. Sampai sekarang masyarakat masih mencicipi air asin di Sungai Kahayan. Mereka juga berpikir bahwa legenda itu benar-benar terjadi. ***

Baca juga Narrative Text (Penjelasan Dan Contoh)

Demikian penjelasan dan contoh narrative text yang kami sajikan hari ini. Tetap semangat belajar bahasa inggrisnya, semoga mendapatkan ilmu yang bermanfaat dan nilai bahasa inggrisnya memuaskan. Sekian dan terimakasih atas kunjungannya. See you next time..

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